Unique Meghnaghat Power Limited (UMPL) , a 584 MW(net) gas fired combined cycle power plant is under construction in the Meghnaghat region situated in Sonargaon of Narayanganj district of Bangladesh.
The Project will operate on natural gas/Re-gasified Liquefied Natural Gas (RLNG) and will be based on the combined-cycle technology. The Project will comprise GE’s latest H-Class Gas Turbine (GT) , GE 9HA.01 model, a Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG) and a Steam Turbine (ST) . The total area of the project will be 18.75 acres and the overall estimated cost of the project is approximately 520 million USD.
The levelized tariff is 3.6923 US Cents/kWh (on Gas, USD 2.4/GJ) and 6.8098 US Cents/kWh (on R-LNG, 7.2625 USD/MMBTU).
UMPL has already initialed Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) and Implementation Agreement (IA) with Bangladesh Power Development Board (BPDB) and Gas Supply Agreement (GSA) with Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Company Limited (TGTDCL) of Government of Bangladesh.
UMPL has already initialed Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract with one of the renowned Contractor, General Electric (GE) Global Services GmbH , a concern of GE Switzerland. Along with this, reputed consultants like Tractebel, Belgium as Owner’s Engineer, AECOM, India as Environmental Consultant and Standard Chartered Bank (SCB) as Financial Adviser have been appointed for the smooth operation of the project.